
Community-based Sustainable Tourism Development in Haa and Capacity Building on CBST in Bhutan

Haa CBST Group


Goal of the project is to develop Haa as a model of community-based sustainable tourism (CBST) and to share the knowledge and skills of CBST development among relevant organizations in Bhutan. Village homestays, local guides, local souvenirs, tourist visitor center (Japanese Michi no Eki style) and CBST management body were developed in this project.

Haa CBST Group

List of activities

  • Develop and strengthen institutional mechanism and network to expand CBST in the country (National Steering Committee).
  • Understand clear direction of Haa as a CBST destination (Baseline survey).
  • Develop CBST products and services (Village homestays, Local guides, Local souvenirs, Tourist visitor center)
  • Marketing and promotion (develop websites, brochures and advertisement)
  • Establish CBST Management Mechanism (CBST Management Group)
  • Develop a board walk on the wetland for tourists
  • Replication of CBST for other Dzongkhags (CBST knowledge sharing workshop)

Project overview

PeriodJanuary 2015 – January 2018
CountryKingdom of Bhutan
SDGsSDGs 5 SDGs 17
DonorJapan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
CounterpartRoyal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN)
WebsitesWebsite (English), Facebook (English),
Website (Japanese), Facebook (Japanese)
Media coveragesSide by Side: Make people happy with tourism! –Bhutan
(NHK World, 13 Sep 2017)
Haa halts new resorts to boost homestay business
(Kuensel Online, Dec 19, 2017)

