About us
We believe that environmental education helps foster better relationships between people and people, society and nature. It thereby enhances our approach to achieve alternative lifestyle based on local community.
Toward creating a sustainable society, which is one of the most emerging global challenges, JEEF will promote variety of environmental education practices all over the world. To achieve this, JEEF commits to take an initiative in collaboration with various sectors.

What we do
The main objective of JEEF’s international projects is to create sustainable society in developing countries especially in Asia. JEEF’s approach is to enhance local communities’ livelihood in sustainable manner by applying environmental education techniques.

The Circulation with JEEF

Meet with us!
Tatsuhiro KATO / Secretary General

Born in Nagoya, Tatsuhiro Kato worked as a JICA Environmental Education Volunteer in Jordan for 2 years after his graduation from the university. In JEEF, Tatsuhiro handles several environmental education projects in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Korea and Indonesia. He has experiences as a trainer in facilitation and participatory communication for several JICA programs.
Our History of International Projects
1987 | The first Kiyosato Meeting was held |
1988 | Japan Environmental Education Forum was established |
1999 | Indonesia Environmental Education Project has started Indonesia Environmental Education Meeting was held |
2000 | Tripartite Environmental Education Network (TEEN) project started (China, Korea, and Japan) |
2001 | TEEN database and East Asia database project started |
2002 | Environmental Education Research in Thailand started |
2004 | Environmental Education Workshop was held Eco Asia Environmental Education Symposium was held |
2005 | ACCU Environmental Education Workshop was held |
2006 | ACCU Environmental Education Workshop was held |
2008 | DENSO Youth for Earth Action started |
2009 | Training for Developing Ecotourism by Utilizing Local Natural Resources in Asian Countries hstarted |
2011 | Community-based Sustainable Tourism project in Bhutan started |
2013 | Environmental education project started in Cambodia has started Sustainable livelihood project started in Bangladish started |
2017 | SATO YAMA UMI Project in Bhutan, Indonesia and Cambodia started |